News - Chapter 1

Entre rêve et réalité

Entre rêve et réalité

"Galerie Keï Akai presents "Entre Rêve et Réalité", a fascinating exhibition by talented Montreal artist Audrey-Ève Goulet. At just 22 years of age, she has distinguished herself as a rising...

Chaos Calme - Artiste invitée

Chaos Calme - Guest artist

In November 2023, Audrey-Ève Goulet had the opportunity to be the featured artist during Jean-Philippe Fortin's exhibition "Chaos Calme." Having previously acquired three works by Audrey-Ève, Fortin invited her to...

Exposition - Chapitre  1

Solo exhibition - Chapter 1

The first solo exhibition of Audrey-Ève Goulet, titled "Chapter 1," took place in October 2022. This event marked the culmination of her two last years of artistic work. During the...

Galerie BOA

Galerie BOA

Art exhibition at the BOA gallery, located in the Old Port of Montreal. Several artists and artisans were invited to showcase their works, among whom Audrey-Ève exhibited her latest series...